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Child Custody

For parents, losing their relationship with their children woudl be devastating. When pareents do not live together, appropriate custody arrancements are critical. The Odum Law Office can help you develop a plan that within Texas Family Laws and meets your needs as a parent.

At the Odum Law Office we will listen to your story and fight for the solution that is right for your family.

Understanding Conservatorship and Possession and Access

Before you can reach the right solution, it is important to understand your goals and how those goals fit within the law. Many parents are not aware of the difference between conservatorship and possession and access in Texas:

  • Conservatorship is the legal term that describes which parent will have decision-making authority for the child. For some parents, conservatorship is the important issue. You know better than anyone else what is best for your children. What school should they go to? What doctor will care for them? The primary managing conservator will make these kinds of decisions.
  • Possession and Access, sometimes called visitation, refers to the amount of time each parent gets to spend with their child. How much time does each parent get with them? Where will they spend holidays? We will help you develop a detailed parenting time plan to protect your right to maintain your parental relationship.

Life rarely remains exactly the same from year to year. When significant changes occur, we will represent you in conservatorship and possession and access modification proceedings.

About Odum Law

Our firm is committed to providing high quality family law representation at an affordable rate. When possible, we work to reach a favorable resolution through negotiation.

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